Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Here is this quilt a little farther along. I joined a critique group called give me your two cents, and took some of the advice to heart. So, I decided that the sky was way to dominent. I knew something was bothering me but just could not decide what it was. The sky and the buildings were competing with one another. So, this is with the sky removed. I then painted a sky and the next picture will show the improvements. Darn, I don't know what happens when I download a second picture it copies the first one again. Oh-Well you get the idea. Thanks to the group as you have saved me a whole lot of time because I might have let that quilt hang on my design wall for a long time before I discovered what was bothering me, or worse I could have just given up and put it away for another time.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sunday, January 08, 2006

This picture I posted earlier. However, I have a new digital camera and new program, I am going to have to figure out how to get them into Hello program to transfer to 2Cents.  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 01, 2006

I just wanted to share this picture. It was taken out my back door. It had gotten very dark, as if to storm when suddenly the sun broke thru in such a blazing way.  Posted by Picasa
This is the beginnings of the sky. Those little spots are pieces of blue tape, so just disregard Posted by Picasa
This is the full size drawing of my new quilt Posted by Picasa


I am still trying to figure out how to get the Artful Quilters logo onto my site. If anyone is good at explaining in really simple language I am willing to give it a try.

Well, now that the Holidays are over, I am anxious to get back to some sort of routine again. So, this morning I started working on a quilt I had started in November, but then got so busy I just had to set it aside. I am pleased so far, and will share the beginnings and will post pictures as it progresses. It is the first time I have done a quilt using only hand dyed fabrics.

I bought a new digital camera so that I can now put pictures on a CD and use that to enter the shows. How much easier it is- First of all it is not that easy to find slide film anymore. Then hanging a quilt properly and setting up some kind of lighting system. I spent a lot of time and money and so I am so pleased to have found an easier way to accomplish the same task. Thank god for Walmart, as I have not gotten into burning my own CD's yet.